Seattle Seahawks 2015 Schedule Released


We’ve known a little bit about the 2015 Seattle Seahawks schedule for a while now, enough to safely say that it’ll be a tough one. You know when else the ‘Hawks have had a tough schedule? Last year! How’d that team end up? Oh yeah, they went to the Super Bowl. Tough doesn’t mean as much when you’re the toughest.

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Today is something of a big day in the NFL world: schedule release day! Or is it Schedule Release Day? Or should we just call it Schedule! Release! Day! Look, there’s not a lot going on right now. This might be a weird thing to get all excited about, but here we are.

So the Seattle Seahawks schedule is out, as well as thirty-one other team’s schedules. We like the Seahawks, though, and not those other thirty-one teams, so here it is: the 2015 Seahawks schedule!

Week 1: Sunday 9/13, 10am @ St. Louis Rams
Week 2: Sunday 9/20, 5:30pm @ Green Bay Packers
Week 3: Sunday 9/27, 1:25pm vs. Arizona Cardinals
Week 4: Monday 10/5, 5:30pm vs. Detroit Lions
Week 5: Sunday 10/11, 10am @ Cincinnati Bengals
Week 6: Sunday 10/18, 1:05pm vs. Carolina Panthers
Week 7: Thursday 10/22, 5:25pm @ San Francisco 49ers
Week 8: Sunday 11/1, 1:25pm @ Dallas Cowboys
Week 9: Bye 🙁
Week 10: Sunday 11/15, 5:30pm vs. Arizona Cardinals
Week 11: Sunday 11/22, 1:25pm vs. San Francisco 49ers
Week 12: Sunday 11/29, 1:25pm vs. Pittsburgh Steelers
Week 13: Sunday 12/6, 10am @ Minnesota Vikings
Week 14: Sunday 12/13, 5:30pm @ Baltimore Ravens
Week 15: Sunday 12/20, 1:05pm vs. Cleveland Browns
Week 16: Sunday 12/26, 1:25pm vs. St. Louis Rams
Week 17: Sunday 1/3, 1:25pm @ Arizona Cardinals

Wow, a lot to go through here. First off, note when the San Fran games are. A low-rest Thursday tilt and a Week 11 home date. Remember, these schedules are majorly based on television audiences. SF vs. Seattle used to be compelling programming. Hardly the case here! Thanks for nothing, Niners. Way to step up, Arizona, who will host the Seahawks in the regular season’s final week.

The Seahawks will be playing several Sunday nights as well as their Monday night game. They’re a late game in weeks 2, 7, 10, and 14. Good news for everyone who works on the weekends!

There’s a lot to digest here, of course, so take your time with this information. Which matchups are you most excited for? What’s the best part of this schedule? Let us know!