Seattle Seahawks: The dud and stud of game 7 – Detroit

Duds of the week
It is hard to find a dud for this week’s game. The Hawks had one heck of a week. For the most part, dominated a team that came into the game with the same 3-3 record.
2nd dishonorable mention – Tre Flowers. Flowers is here because he missed an easy interception early in the game. It was a curl pattern and he read it and jumped the route perfectly. He did everything right but catch the ball.
1st dishonorable mention – Tedric Thompson. In the first quarter on a scramble play, the Seahawks were in a cover three and Mathew Stafford threw a 39-yard touchdown pass to Marvin Jones. Thompson, on the blown play, was watching Stafford and couldn’t get back in time to defend the pass. It went over his head into the outstretched hands of Marvin Jones for the easy touchdown.
Dud of the Week – Doug Baldwin. He has been as consistent as it gets for the Seahawks the past few seasons. He started the year with a knee injury, but Baldwin has been back for a few weeks now and just hasn’t been good. Sunday he had only two catches for 26 yards. At least he got 26 yards. Two catches, however, aren’t enough for the man that is supposedly Seattle’s best receiver.
For the Seahawks to make a solid run at the postseason this year, they will absolutely need Baldwin to step up. So far, the other receivers have been picking up his slack but that won’t always be the case. In the end, it comes down to what the best players on each team do in the clutch. That is what ultimately determines who moves on.
Baldwin did do one good thing though on Sunday. That thing was to pull off one of the best touchdown celebrations of the year with Lockett, Wilson, and company. Baldwin stood in the batter’s box waving his imaginary bat ala Gary Sheffield and got hit by the pitch from Lockett. A brawl ensued with some solid falling acting by Baldwin. Russell Wilson followed it up with a decking of David Moore.