The Five Best Seahawks Quarterbacks
By Ben Renner

1. Russell Wilson
Was there ever any doubt? In only four seasons, Russell Wilson has made the Pro Bowl three times, won the first Super Bowl in Seahawks history, and came one audible at the line away from winning a second ring in the Game That Will Not Be Named. Wilson stepped into an uncertain quarterback situation under Pete Carroll in 2012, heading into training camp a rookie drafted in the third round to hold a clipboard behind Matt Flynn, of all people.
We know the rest. Wilson immediately took charge of the team and helped Carroll and company forget their love for Flynn and Charlie Whitehurst and hand him the keys to the rollin’ truck. His 46-18 record as the Seahawks’ starter over his first four seasons is the best in Seahawks history for a starting quarterback in their first four seasons, and it’s not even close. Wilson transformed a good team into a team with the word ‘dynasty’ being bandied about.
The scary thing about Wilson is, even after all of his statistical success and his many wins, he is only getting better. In 2015 he led the league in QB Rating despite playing behind one of the worst offensive lines for pass blocking in the league. In 2016, he bested Hasselbeck’s single-season franchise passing records playing behind an even worse line. The sky’s the limit for Russ.
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