Marshawn Lynch Is The Golden Child
By Gary Gray

For a guy that doesn’t talk much, everything Marshawn Lynch does, or doesn’t do, makes huge waves.
According to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (P.I.), the “Bellevue Police Department is in the process of gathering facts…including whether or not Mr. Lynch was in fact involved.” There have been no charges, no arrests, and, after speaking with Lynch, the Seattle Seahawks called the claims “bogus.”
First, Bellevue’s finest isn’t sure yet if Lynch was involved? Maybe the men in blue could look into that before releasing statements that Lynch is being investigated for alleged assault and property damage? Allegations, even when proven baseless, are like belly flops, they leave a mark.
The P.I., a source I truly love, talks about a “string of run-ins with the law…” I disagree. Lynch is a model citizen. Let’s look at this “string.”
1. A hit-and-run in Buffalo in 2007. Okay, that’s bad. But what else?
2. Arrested in 2009 in Culver City, California, for having a semi-automatic handgun in his trunk. I thought they gave out handguns on draft day. It’s not like he’s Clive Bundy and at least it was in the trunk. And he also didn’t accidently shoot himself in the foot in a nightclub. That would be really dumb.
Lynch got a three-game suspension for the gun thing. Had he knocked his girlfriend out in an elevator and drug her by the hair into the hotel lobby, he would have gotten a two-game ban.
3. A DUI in Oakland in 2012. I’ve driven in the Bay Area. It seemed like most drivers were under the influence.
4. And finally, the $50,000 fine for skipping out on the media (the fine was later revoked). Honestly, we love Lynch for this.
All that being said, I hope he’s innocent. I hope he’s only about that action on the field.