2014 NBA Draft Lottery: Seattle SuperSonics Not Given a Pick
By Todd Pheifer

The NBA draft lottery has come and gone, and we now know the order of the picks for the 2014 draft. For some reason, the NBA continues to have this silly lottery concept. A lottery makes little sense, but that is a side issue.
Sadly, the real problem is that the Seattle SuperSonics were not represented in the draft lottery, and it isn’t because they are still playing in the playoffs. Again, don’t talk about that franchise owned by proven liar Clay Bennett. We do not speak that team’s name, just like the dark wizard in Harry Potter.
It is hard to stay invested in the National Basketball Association when your favorite geographic region is missing their team. The NBA may not put up with racism, but they certainly put up with deceit and outright theft. Apparently those are forgivable crimes because Mr. Bennett was not booted from the league despite his lack of integrity.
The Sacramento Kings get a pick, even though that team should already be in Seattle. I’m sure that keeping the franchise is Sacramento will be a much better business decision for the league. Sure it will.
New commissioner Adam Silver may be taking action on the crusade to rid the league of Donald Sterling, but he has not rectified the personal grudge that former commissioner David Stern held against the Emerald City. That should be on his short list of things to do in the near future.
Near future.
Unfortunately, there may be a long timetable for a SuperSonics return. Expansion is apparently not in the cards and in the meantime the NBA will continue to hold various cities hostage and force them into building new arenas by using Seattle as leverage.
Stay positive, Seattle fans. Someday, hopefully soon, the SuperSonics will return.