Seahawks News: 49ers Fans to Buy Billboard in Seattle


Credit: Joe Nicholson-USA TODAY Sports

According to reports, the loyal fans of the San Francisco 49ers are going to take the ultimate shot at the Seattle Seahawks. Fans of the Niners are buying billboard space in the Emerald City.

Wow. That is just incredibly sad. And pathetic.

Apparently the billboard will highlight the Niners five Super Bowl rings and the iconic image of Dwight Clark catching a ball from Joe Montana in the 1982 NFC Championship game. That was a great moment…in 1982. You know what else was really cool in 1982? Commodore released the Commodore 64. Now that was a sweet computer.

Can you say, “living in the past?”

Does this make anyone think about Uncle Rico in the movie Napoleon Dynamite, a character who desperately wants to go back in time and re-live the past? Perhaps we should turn to Garth Algar, who wisely tells his friend Wayne Campbell to “Live in the now!”

Look, the rivalry has been fun and all, but this is a little silly. Are San Francisco fans really going to roll out the five rings and slap them on a billboard? Really?

Fine. Let’s go with this strategy.

The Portland Trail Blazers are looking pretty solid this year. How about Seattle SuperSonics fans fund a billboard in Portland that highlights the dominance that was the 1978-79 championship team, featuring Jack Sikma, Gus Williams and Dennis Johnson? After all, we should remind those Blazers fans how good we were during the Carter administration.

While we’re at it, the BCS “Championship” Game is coming up soon. Perhaps it would be appropriate to purchase billboards near the campuses of Florida State University and Auburn University. The billboards could remember the 1992 Washington Huskies national championship squad, featuring Steve Emtman and Billy Joe Hobert. After all, it has only been 21 years.

But really, why stop there?

Let’s dig deep into the history of Seattle sports and remember the 1917 Stanley Cup winner, the Seattle Metropolitans. Appropriately enough, the San Jose Sharks are having a fairly solid season. Perhaps a Metropolitans billboard in the Bay Area would be appropriate?

Now, am I getting a little ridiculous here? Perhaps. Then again, this reported billboard in Seattle goes a little far as well. Maybe we should just let these two teams settle things on the gridiron.

Congratulations to the San Francisco 49ers on their five Super Bowl rings. A truly great accomplishment. Most NFL franchises would be thrilled to have that much hardware. That said, this is sports. Memories are, well, memories.

Billboards won’t get it done on the field and past accomplishments will not inspire a present day team to victory. Live in the now.

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