Robinson Cano Signs with Seattle Mariners for $240 million


Credit: Andrew Mills/THE STAR-LEDGER via USA TODAY Sports

The Seattle Mariners reportedly have their superstar, if reports from ESPN are to be believed. At least, that is what the team hopes Robinson Cano will be. $240 million is a lot of money for a 31-year-old second baseman.

Truthfully, this is surreal if the reported contract has actually been signed. The Mariners aren’t supposed to make deals like this. Fans have gotten used to words like “exploring” or “pursuing” in recent years, but ultimately the rumors about possible free agents do not come to fruition.

This is different. The deal is apparently done.

Granted, there were apparently some twists and turns at the end. Reports suggest that Cano and his agent Jay-Z were not happy with the initial offer for the M’s. I guess the Mariners sweetened the pot.

Expect this contract to be roundly criticized throughout the baseball world. Cano is going to accused of doing his best Cuba Gooding Jr. impression from Jerry Maguire. The Mariners are going to be heavily criticized for a desperate, irresponsible move that further emphasizes the unbalanced economic in baseball. Baseball has come to expected the New York Yankees or Los Angeles Dodgers to offer these kinds of contracts.

Not the Mariners.

And yet, here we are. Apparently, the Mariners actually did this. After weeks of rumors and speculation, the Mariners have officially made the biggest “splash” of the free agent period.

In the next few weeks, the analysis of this deal is going to be extensive as writers ponder whether Cano can maintain star-quality production in a park like Safeco Field. One thing is certain. The Mariners have officially created a buzz. Now, for the follow-up question. Will the Mariners be making more moves?

Stay tuned to the Mariners channel. This show suddenly got a lot more interesting.

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