Seahawks QB Russell Wilson Gets Condoms for Protection
By Paul Novak

Credit: Pat Lovell-USA TODAY Sports
In what might end up being one of the best publicity stunts we’ve ever seen, NuVo condoms is sending its product to the quarterback that gets sacked the most in the previous week.
Although that distinction didn’t belong to Seahawks second year quarterback Russell Wilson, he and the entire offensive line will be getting plenty of other protection form the company.
NuVo distributed a press release earlier and part of it read like this”
"Every week NüVo Condoms protects the NFL Quarterback who is sacked the most for the week. But this request cannot go unnoticed. It’s not everyday that your coach comes out and asks for better protection. (…)Well, Coach Carroll, we have heard your call loud and clear. We are here to help in a big way. Not only is NüVo Condoms going to provide your Quarterback protection, we will also provide protection to your entire Offensive Line. We are sending a 1 week supply of “Protection” to keep this situation under control."
Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll did say that his star QB needed more protection and somebody out there was listening.
Last season Green Bay Packers star Aaron Rodgers won the 2012 NuVo Protection Plan Award as he was sacked 51 times.